
Ghassan Kanfani: Biography Notes and Sources with In Class Notes

My Sources Biased source with many facts http://authorscalendar.info/kanaf.htm In Class Notes IB started in Switzerland (not really related to this), Kim Jong Un was in an IB school in Switzerland, no diploma Jews used to live in Israel a long time ago, said to have gone to Egypt cause of famine, Moses lead them out …

Ghassan Kanfani: Biography Notes and Sources with In Class Notes Read More »

“The Catcher in the Rye”: Global Issues, Connections to 3 Areas of Exploration and the Seven Concepts, Additional Future Learner Profile

War/Violence and its effects- Representation In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden is always pulled back by his less then pleasant memories of the deaths of those he knew, personally and not. He represents those that have seen death and are haunted by it, an example being soldiers and others who have not had a …

“The Catcher in the Rye”: Global Issues, Connections to 3 Areas of Exploration and the Seven Concepts, Additional Future Learner Profile Read More »

“The Catcher in the Rye”, Other Notes- Holden’s Problems and Motifs

Holden feels inadequate compared to others- descriptions of others such as Stradlater and other men Mentions that he misses them at the end Reaction to Mr. Antolini- very extreme- may have been molested? or known someone who was molested deeply Comment on how many times he has been in that situation Head Petting perverted to …

“The Catcher in the Rye”, Other Notes- Holden’s Problems and Motifs Read More »

Symbolism in “The Catcher in the Rye” Notes

New York City- very busy and everything is running by really quickly, very commercial and dirty The Ducks- concerned about them, kinda cute (ducks), represent the innocent that he is worried about and can’t do anything about it, doesn’t make the connection that they fly South even though that he mentioned it, worried that they …

Symbolism in “The Catcher in the Rye” Notes Read More »

J D Salinger/ “The Catcher in the Rye” Part 2: Class Discussion Notes

The book has the rebelliousness of teenagers in it, (Holden failing all his classes) Smoking was not a big deal in that time Swearing wasn’t common in teen literature at the time, one of the first Some people really identify with it Was read in the Soviet Union: used as propaganda by the Soviets to …

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