“The Art of Fiction”- Teenage Skaz notes

  • Skaz- a Russian term that is used to designate a type of first-person narration that is very informal and sounds more like the spoken than actual writing (combo of scat and jazz)
    • Narrator refers to self as I and refers to reader as you
    • The Catcher in the Rye is an example
    • Written as if story is being related spontaneously and not like it was carefully written and polished, though it is an illusion as it takes a lot of work and lots of calculations
    • Was a way for the American novelists to free themselves from inherited writing styles of Europe
    • In The Catcher of the Rye
      • Holden uses a lot of hyperbole- exaggeration
      • uses a lot of informal speech
      • simple syntax
      • repetition
      • grammatical errors
      • uses an adolescent type of tone
      • uses profanity
    • Mark Twain also uses skaz- imitated and reflected the different types of accents for the people from the different regions
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