About a woman called Eloise and friend Mary Jane have a visit and talk about the old times. Eloise is unhappy, drink and smoke together, has a daughter named Ramona who has an imaginary beau who gets killed and then created a new one
treats daughter rather poorly
Eloise loved a GI by name of Walt who was killed in a freak accident/ booby trapped stove killed him/ ironic as domestic- Uncle Wiggily is a childrens book- Uncle Wiggily old rabbit that used a cane and got in trouble and used wits to get out of trouble- she sprained her ankle and Walt said poor uncle Wiggily as she used a cane
Not happy with the fate she has chosen – not
Eloise has everything and is very unhappy due to it- not sure what to do
Ramona- imaginary beaus, alone no friends, Jimmy went to get sword and was run over- Ramona gets over it compared to how her mother doesn’t get over Walt
Names of lovers are Disney- Mickey, Walt and Jimmy
Eloise feels ostracized, told all these things will make her happy, but don’t make her happy as they are supposed to